About Us

Our Core Values

Unyielding integrity
We tell the truth, do what’s right and honour our commitments even when expensive, inconvenient or embarrassing.

Prioritising people
We give ourselves space to rest and rejuvenate, caring for our health and prioritising our most important relationships, so we can do our best work. We recognise the value of our freelance team, and we reward them with industry-leading pay.

Infectious enthusiasm
We believe we work in the best company on earth, and we spontaneously spread that enthusiasm to each other, our clients and our audience.

High impact
We invest our resources in opportunities with the highest return, measured by profit, impact or both. We provide transformational experiences with inspiring levels of excellence and attention to detail.

We never stop learning and never rest on our laurels. We constantly improve our services, operations and ourselves. When we fail, we take responsibility for it, try to resolve it, and learn the lesson to avoid the same mistake in the future.

About Chris

Chris Ensoll guiding in the alps

My almost-fifty-year love affair with mountains began aged 12, when my uncle started to take me on camping and climbing trips. For me, being in the mountains is being at home, as echoed in this quote by John Muir:

Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity.”

This was written more than 100 years ago, when the pace of life was so much slower than today. If wildness was a necessity back then, how much more essential is it to us now? Having worked in the outdoor industry since 1981, I have seen countless examples of weary people benefitting from the beauty and wildness of our mountains. If you need to take time out to explore your physical and mental boundaries, to reconnect with what is important, to be encouraged and refreshed, then a trip to the mountains could be just what you need. 

We know that there are many other people and organisations out there offering outdoor experiences, so why should you choose us?

  • Many providers place the emphasis on the outdoor activity itself, on what you physically do. We are more interested in the whole experience, and on the restoration it can bring.

  • We specialise in very small groups and personalised experiences, whilst many providers offer low-skills activities to large groups.

  • I have been an International Mountain Guide since 1997 - to explain what that is, the following info is taken from the website of the British Mountain Guides: A Mountain Guide holds the International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations carnet, the highest qualification in the world for leading people in the mountains, whether skiing, climbing or mountaineering. Mountain Guides come in many shapes and sizes – the one thing they have in common is their passion for the mountains.

 In my free time, I enjoy climbing, reading, motor biking, and doing fun things with my family. We are members of our local church in Windermere, Lakes Christian Centre.

Read more about my journey here: My Story #1: Chris Ensoll, International Mountain Guide

About Anne

anne ensoll

I know how good it feels when you send off an email enquiry, and you get a prompt and helpful reply. As a stay-at-home, self-employed, and former home-schooling mum, I also know what it is to be pressed for time, so our booking procedure is as simple and straightforward as possible. However, if you have any queries, then I’ll answer them promptly and fully. My experience as a mountaineer, rock climber, and as a Mountain Leader and a Rock Climbing Instructor gives me an understanding of the kinds of questions you might need to ask.

In my free time I enjoy gardening, cycling, and family history.

Read more about my journey here: My Story #4: Anne Ensoll, Business Manager And Ex-Outdoor Instructor

Our Family

We have been married since 1988 and we live in the beautiful English Lake District. We became empy nesters in September 2020 when our son, Sam, started at university in Carlisle. We share our home with our Bedlington lurcher, Bobby.

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Our Freelance Team

You can read about our freelance team here.