7 Top Tips For Rock Climbers & Mountaineers


Each month in our newsletter we have a top tip - a little nugget of information that will be useful to our readers, most of whom are climbers or mountaineers. Here’s a compilation of seven of the tips we've given so far.

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1. The 3Ds of Navigation - August 2016

Past - what have I come past?
Present - what can I see now?
Future - if I am where I think I am, what will I see next?
What direction have I come? What direction do I need to walk next?
How far have I come? 

Read the August 2016 newsletter here

2. Are you using the right belay plate? - October 2016

If you're using in-situ ropes at a climbing wall, a standard belay plate, such as a DMM Bug or something similar, will work fine, but with 7.5mm ½ ropes and sub-9mm single ropes you will need something like a DMM Bugette

Read the October 2016 newsletter here

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3. Duct Tape - November 2016

Keep a supply of duct tape, super glue and cable ties handy - you can mend almost anything with them (tents, ski poles, waterproofs, crampons, walking poles, rucksacks, people...)

Read the November 2016 newsletter here

4. Gloves x3 - December 2016

Keep your hands warm in winter - take three pairs of gloves:
one pair for walking in
one pair for climbing
one pair for walking out

Read the December 2016 newsletter here

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5. Crampons - January 2017

Crampons are heavy and add a lot of extra weight to your feet. One pound on your foot is like ten pounds on your back, so aim to get the lightest crampons that you can, whilst ensuring that they are up to the job. For example, aluminium ski touring crampons don't weigh much, but they are useless on hard ice or mixed climbing.

Read the January 2017 newsletter here

6. Climbing Calls - February 2017

Check climbing calls with your partner before you set off up a route. Some people like to use the standard climbing calls, but whatever system you choose, make sure you both understand it. Simple misunderstandings can be fatal.

Read the February 2017 newsletter here

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7. Nuts! - March 2017

Most climbers have carry doubles of the nuts they use the most. I carry one full set, plus extras of 1,3,5,7 and 9. Some people carry extras of 2,4,6 and 8. Work out which ones you use the most, and carry doubles of those.

Read the March 2017 newsletter here

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